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What are the benefits of KaasenEquine?• Rapid cooling down pre and post competition • Faster recovery times • Relieves pain immediately • Stops inflammatory crisis • Drains haematomas and oedemas due to its vasomotor impact • Triggers immediate muscle relaxation • Increases physical mobility • Rapid relief after long journeys in horsebox
What is KaasenEquine?The KaasenEquine device is a hand-held targeted cryotherapy device which uses carbon dioxide (CO2) in the form of a cold spray onto the surface of the skin. The instant cooling and pressure applied to the skin produces a localised cold shock effect.
What is Cryotherapy?Cryotherapy is the rapid cooling of the skin and underlying tissues to 4oC under pressure, to induce cold shock. Cold shock produces a favourable biological response from the body to the cold temperature.
Is the KaasenEquine safe?KaasenEquine uses carbon dioxide, which is safe, inexpensive and effective for targeted treatments. KaasenEquine has dual temperature sensors, a cold shock indicator light, a treatment timer and an intelligent proximity sensor to ensure the optimal treatment every time.
Will I receive training?Yes, comprehensive training is provided with the KaasenEquine. A trainer will come to your premises and train you and anyone else that will be using the KaasenEquine. Aftersales support will also be provided. TruCryo and our distributors provide updates on training in the form of online videos and there is advanced training available also.
What are the benefits for your business?• Rapid cooling pre and post-competition or workout, saving you time • Predictable outcomes with minimal physical effort • Highly portable, lightweight and supplied in a carrycase so it can be used anywhere • Increased revenue streams • 0°C/32°F lock to meet FEI requirements • Cost effective
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